Monday, September 22, 2008

Titles are Lame...

...or I am just too lame to come up with one. No creativity whatsoever - bah!

There are many confused people roaming around in this great big world of ours.
Some are lonely. Some are smart, or stupid or just plain mean. Some are lovely, persuasive or sarcastic. Some can't coordinate their clothes to save their souls.

What's to become of mankind if there isn't an intervention? Someone who cares, a voice of reason during troubled times? You know, someone with an opinion that's filled with age-old wisdom, handed down from the great thinkers of our time, answering the questions of family, fashion, friends and relationship that keep you up at night? Even if I don’t know the answer, I promise to provide some type of humorous unwanted insight to my readers. Well, fret no more, my friends! Hope rises on the horizon in a big sunny ray of light called "Dear Ashley". That's right; I'm here to lend a french-manicured hand to those wrestling with the connundrums of life.Though I can't balance my checkbook, however, I am rather astute at offering advice, even when it’s not needed. In fact I have a friend who told me that if she ever needed advice I'd be the last person she called, which only proves the age old adage, "It's always in the last place you look."

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